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A Note From Our Founder

A Note From Our Founder

Dear valued customers, 

Over the past two years, our small business has been absorbing rising costs across all aspects of our business, including, but not limited to packaging, freight, raw materials, staffing and more. We have absorbed these costs for as long as possible, however, this is no longer sustainable for our business. In order to continue serving you with the high-quality skin and body care products you have come to know and love, we have made the difficult, yet necessary decision to increase the cost of our products by an average of 11%.

We’re implementing this price increase so that we can continue hand-crafting our products in-house and in small batches without outsourcing manufacturing or compromising on quality. It’s more costly to do business this way, but we wholeheartedly believe that it yields the best results. Furthermore, we have done our best to keep price increases on our best sellers to a minimum, as our aim is always to ensure our products remain accessible.

Our price increase will take effect at 12:00 p.m. MST on February 17, 2023. 

Moving forward, you will always have the opportunity to access Om at 20% off by subscribing to have your favourite products delivered to you at your desired cadence or by shopping our bundles. Additionally, keep an eye on your inbox, text messages and our social channels for monthly offers.

Lastly, I want to take the opportunity to thank you for your ongoing and continued support. We wouldn’t be here without you, our loyal customers.

With Love, 

Kari, Founder & Formulator

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